The PDHPE department regards uniform as an important part of practical activities because:
- it symbolises equality among students
- it demonstrates mutual respect
- it shows affiliation to the school
- it is more hygienic
All students are required to wear the prescribed uniform correctly during practical lessons in PDHPE, PASS, SLR and when representing the school.
All clothing items should be clearly labelled.
You can now easily view our SSHS Uniform Policy to see the full uniform requirements for the school.
Safety considerations
Sunscreen is always available from the PDHPE department for all outdoor lessons and activities.
Appropriate running (non-slip) shoes need to be worn. The purpose being to support the student's feet and ankles, as slip-on shoes do not achieve this.
For safety reasons students will not be permitted to participate whilst wearing jewellery or incorrect footwear.
Uniform regulations
- The full PDHPE uniform must be worn to participate in practical lessons.
- The uniform should not be worn at any other times, unless it is the relevant sports day for that student.
- When the uniform cannot be worn (for a good reason) parents/caregivers are asked to notify the teacher in writing with a signed note. The note should be dated, signed and with a contact number provided. This note must then be handed to the teacher before the lesson.
- If clothes are wet or lost the student may wear an appropriate alternative uniform, with a note to explain why the uniform can not be worn.
- The PD/H/PE uniform must not be worn before school, to school or prior to a practical lesson.
- All students must change back into the correct school uniform at the end of the practical lesson.
Uniform expectations
Students who do not meet the expectations of the uniform policy will be given a restitution task to complete as an alternative to the practical lesson. Students may also receive recess, lunch or after school detentions.
Students in Years 9 and 10 who do not participate on a regular basis will put themselves at risk of not meeting the course outcomes for this subject. This can result in not receiving a Record of School Achievement (ROSA) award at the end of Year 10.