In human society and its environment (HSIE), both subjects of history and geography are mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
Students learn specific historical and geographical concepts and skills in history and geography. They also have an opportunity to learn more about people and the societies and environments in which they live through elective subjects in Years 7 to 10 (Stages 4 to 5).
A large number of individual subjects make up the key learning area of HSIE in which students:
- research, gather and analyse information
- question and make judgements
- write for a variety of purposes.
In Year 11 and 12, students can choose from a range of HSIE courses. These include:
- Aboriginal Studies
- Ancient History
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Geography
- History Extension
- Legal Studies
- Modern History
- Society and Culture
- Studies of Religion.
About HSIE at South Sydney High School
Our department not only boasts a large subject range, but it also has held a strong commitment to achieving outstanding results for all their students; with high Band 5's and Band 6's gained every year.
The staff behind all these subjects are not only specialised; with a passion to stay at the forefront of their subjects, but they are also a group of caring, focused and passionate teachers who instill lifelong goals into their students.
History and geography
In junior subjects students develop knowledge and essential understandings about Australia's history and geography, the people who live within its territory, and their social, cultural, economic and political lives.
They also begin to look at how Australia is developing in the context of the Asian and Pacific regions, as well as linking with the rest of the world.
The subjects offered at South Sydney High School are:
- World History - Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8)
- Australian History - Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
- Elective History - Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
- Modern History - Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
- Ancient History - Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
- Extension History - Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
- Global Geography - Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8)
- Australian Geography - Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
- Elective Geography - Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
- Senior Geography - Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
This area of study allows students with a passion for law, government, politics, economics and business the opportunity to gain the basics in these areas. This equips them with a good foundation for the senior subjects of legal studies, economics, and business studies.
Extension and elective subjects in both Years 9 and 10 history and geography allow students who are talented in these subjects to extend their knowledge and skills further with specialised learning programs that are student orientated towards what they are passionate about.
The subjects offered at South Sydney High School are:
- Commerce - Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
Other subjects offered in HSIE at South Sydney High School are:
- Economics - Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12)
- Business studies - Stage 6 (Year 11 ad 12)
- Legal studies - Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12)
Vocational education training subjects
Our department also caters for students who are interested in gaining experience and certification in vocationa education training (VET) subjects of retail and business services.
Students have the opportunity to gain nationally recognised certification as well as being placed in workplaces and jobs they are interested in pursuing.
VET subjects are great for those students who want to experience the real world of work.
The subjects taught at South Sydney High School are:
- Retail - Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12)
- Business services - Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12)
Excursions are extremely popular with both students and staff. Every year a number of our subjects take students to places such as the Police and Justice Museum, Homebush Wetlands, IMAX, Sydney Wildlife World, NSW Courts, Hunter Valley, The Rocks, Pyrmont, the Jewish Museum, and Leichhardt.
Senior students are also taken to numerous lectures that are held in and throughout the city, which allows them to gain knowledge from specialised presenters who are focused on preparation for the HSC examinations.