The careers advisory centre (CAC)
The CAC is located in the main office. Our school Careers Adviser is Ms Meredith Mattock.
Appointments can be made anytime throughout the week by phoning the school office on 02 9349 3868.
Information available from the CAC includes:
- information on universities
- TAFE courses
- private colleges
- job guides
- resume templates
- work experience
- information for International Students
... and much more.
Careers teaching program and services
A brief overview of the Careers Program is featured below:
Year 9 - Term 2
Careers Aspiration Program which covers:
- resume preparation
- employer expectations
Year 10 - Terms 1 and 2
Lessons focus on:
- career decisions (TAFE vs University)
- subject choices for Year 11
- resumes
- interview skills
- work experience
- compulsory excursion for all Year 10 (to attend the "HSC and Careers Expo - Hall of Industries")
Year 11 - Terms 1 to 4
The Careers Adviser assists students who:
- are transitioning into work and TAFE
- are completing work experience
- are enrolled in TVET courses
Year 12 - Terms 1 to 4
The Careers Adviser will:
- email the Careers Newsletter to students
- organise for guest presenters (e.g. at UNSW Open days, Co-op Scholarship)
- apply to UAC and TAFE seminars
- organise interviews about post school options
- organise compulsory excursion for all Year 12 (to attend the "HSC and Careers Expo - Hall of Industries")
Useful Websites